Thanks to Valerie Bertinelli, I started a new diet today. Jenny Craig. I had my fill of Weight Watchers, Zone Chefs and LA Weight Loss and when my surprisingly snug fall clothes revealed that I sacked on some extra LB's this summer, I decided to join Valerie in a race to shed some excess weight. I only have to lose 15-20 pounds so I'm not in Kirstie Alley territory but I figured if my favorite "One Day At a Time" gal can do it, then so can I.
My friend raved about the food so I ordered my Jenny meals at home selections, unpacked all the food packed in dry ice and took a look at the dishes I was going to be savoring these next few weeks. Tonight I sampled their chicken with fetuccini and a double chocolate cake. I have to say - while the entree was pretty good, the dessert was not as good as my Weight Watchers chocolate brownie sundae, but then again, I haven't lost an ounce on Weight Watchers in two years so Jenny - it's all up to you to help me to fit into my size 4's again!
I'm not going to go on and on about how my kids have pretty much served as saboteurs for my bad eating habits, but the other problem I've faced has been not having time to cook healthy meals, going out to dinner way too much, enjoying great wine and a few martinis now and then - and it all adds up to one thing. Thunder thighs. Okay two things - and a bubble butt.
So day one is complete and I'm sure when I hop on the scale tomorrow I probably won't lose anything just yet, but hopefully by the time I head into Thanksgiving I'll be at my goal weight and ready to dive into some sweet potato pie with marshmallows. I know - old habits die hard. So here's to a new beginning - me, Jenny and Valerie are going to be best buds - check back with me next week and I'll let you know if I dropped some weight. And if I don't lose anything, there's always South Beach.
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